Parameters guide

Atomizerr works by using an algorithm to generate sacred geometry designs. The parameters determine the bounderies that the algorithm uses. Because of how Atomizerr works, you can continue to generate designs without having to modify the parameters each time. Also, the algorithm doesn't always generate an aesthetic or eye-pleasing design each time, so keep clicking 'Generate'!

Presets - This allows you to select a preset for the parameters. After selecting a preset, the input fields for the parameters will be automatically filled.

Shapes - This specifies what kinds of shapes to draw that make up the designs.

Canvas size - The size (in pixels) of the canvas where the shapes will be drawn. The specified value will set both the width and the height Note: if you set the canvas size to a higher resolution than the window, the canvas will be shrunk to fit in the window, but when you save the image, you will have the full-resolution image.

Depth - This parameter determines how many layers will be drawn, and controls the overrall complexity of the design. Which each layer that is drawn, more and more shapes are added, this means the number of shapes grows exponentially. For this reason the number of layers is limited to 6.

Symmetries - This parameter also controls the complexity of the designs and will determine the nunber of vertices each shape has. So a value of "3" will draw triangles, a value of "4" will draw squares, and so on. There are two input fields: a minimum and a maximum that are used because each layer will use a random number within the specified values. If you would like to use a specific number instead of a random number within a range, simply set the min and max values to the same number.

Size bounds - This determines the size (in pixels) of the shapes. All shapes in a given layer will be the same size, and that size is determined by picking a random number between the min and max numbers specified. If you would like to use a specific number instead of a random number, make the min and max fields the same number.

Spread - This allows you to set how much the shapes in each layer are spread out (in pixels) relative to the layer before it. We recommend using a negative value for the minimum, as it allows for more variation in the designs. If you would like to use a specific number instead of a random number, make the min and max fields the same number.

Style - This allows you to set the drawing style of the shapes. "outline" will only draw the outline of the shapes and "fill" will only draw filled-in shapes.

Thickness - (only applies when using "outline" draw style). This determines how thick (in pixels) the outline of the shapes will be.

Strength - This allows you to set how strong the randomly generated colors are. Lower values will result in softer colors, and higher values will result in harder colors. If your designs appear way too bright or color-washed, this usually means you should lower the strength. Conversely, if your designs are too dark or difficult to see, use a higher strength.

Color/Saturation/Contrast sliders - These sliders allow you adjust the color, saturation, and contrast of the image respectively.

Canvas size
Symmetries   to  
Size bounds   to  
Spread   to  